Being a spiritual leader at home is as simple as the power of "1"
One time a day, doe something really special for your kids' mom.
One time a day, invest in her spiritual well-being.
One time a day, catch your kids in the act of doing something good and tell them about it.
One time a day, tuck your kids into bed and pray with them and read or memorize a Bible verse together.
One time a day, get alone with God.
One time a day, sacrifice something personal for something that benefits your family.
One time a day, ask God to reveal to you anything in your own life that doesn't match your expectations for your kids.
One time a day, forgive completely anyone in your home who has hurt you.
One time a day, say, "I'm sorry," and ask forgiveness for damaging a relationship.
One time a day, help make a child's dream come true.
Total time investment: One to two hours a day.
Return on investment: A lifetime of deep, abiding relationships and an eternity to celebrate.
The 21-Day Dad's Challenge, Carey Casey, general editor, Tyndale (2011), pg 34.