Friday, April 22, 2016

Difficult People Message Series Resources

Difficult People:  How to Deal with Critical People
key verse:  2 Samuel 16:5-13
1.  Respond, don't react
2.  Stay focused on your purpose
3.  Find God's good in the criticism
    "there is often a kernal of truth in every criticism"
4.  Allow God and others to handle your critics

Difficult People:  How to Deal with Overly Needy People
key verse:  Matthew 9:36
1.  Love them where they are
2.  Help when God leads you to help
3.  Remember that "No" can be a loving answer
      "Saying Yes to one means you are saying No to others"
4.  Seek God's approval alone

Diffiult People:  How to Deal with Manipulators 
key verses:  Galatians 1;10 and Proverbs 29:25
1.  Pray Up, Read Up!
2.  Prepare to be challenged
3.  Respectfully say "NO" to manipulators
4.  Trust God’s view of you

Here is a link to a handout related to the the April 24th message.