Facebook for pastors?
Facebook is fast becoming the main social network for teens and young adults. Facebook is how I best communicate (other than in person) with my college students at both a secular and Christian campus. Some of my friends are very reluctant to use Facebook while others see it as a vital tool to serve, evangelize and disciple the people they are called to impact. Here are my self-imposed rules, to help me stay on track:
1. Profile pic is of me and my wife (I am clearly married and happily so)
2. I post very few public comments on people's "walls" and use very few applications.
3. I try to balance my friends to be wide ranging, both male and female, believers and unbelievers, near and far. In other words, everyone who sees my page knows I'm not trying to communicate with just one type of person.
4. My wife knows how to get into my facebook account, and she knows about any email I'm getting from female friends. She pretty much knows anything that is posted on my site.
5. I don't let my kids browse my Facebook since some posts are not very clean (remember, this is a site that connects you to unbelievers).
That's about it. I found a good downloadable resource "Facebook for Pastors" that is worth looking at. I don't know how long this link will be valid but look for it at http://www.churchplantingvillage.net/atf/cf/%7B087EF6B4-D6E5-4BBF-BED1-7983D360F394%7D/facebook-for-pastors-by-chris-forbes.pdf or search for it at www.churchplantingvillage.net
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