Monday, December 05, 2011

Be Generous!

I try to be generous when I hear about causes and issues that need money.  Mind you, I'm not extravagant, nor do I give to every cause I hear about.  I'm rather picky actually.

As hear the Salvation Army bells, read year-end letters asking for one more "tax-deductible" gift, and watching many people struggling in a down economy, my desire grows.  I want to help, but how?  Who should I help?  How much should I give?

Sometimes I have "misgiving giving."  Whenever I am haphazard (have no plan), ignorant of how trustworthy the organization is, or when I am wondering if this will keep me from fulfilling my prior donation commitments.  I'm also uneasy whenever I feel manipulated or made to feel guilty by people asking me for money.  I want to enjoy giving!

So here are some Generosity Practices I try to live out, based on 2 Corinthians 8:1-5:
1.  Don't dwell on my circumstances-  I will never have enough money to give away, nor do I never have any money to give away.  Generosity is not about how much I have.

2.  Give according to my ability-  I can't wait for a financial windfall to become generous.  God is asking me what I'm going to do with what I already have.  My pledges and gifts must be worked out within my current budget.

3.  Give beyond my ability-  Even the poorest person can be generous.  I need to be willing to give "beyond my abilities" and watch how God enables me to do it!  I must be willing to become financially poor in order for others to become spiritually rich.

4.  Give to trustworthy people-  If I don't trust you, I won't give to you.  You may be a great person.  Your organization may be the best solution to a current problem.  But, I need to know you a bit, to trust you with my money!

That said, I start my giving by contributing at least 10% to my local church.  Here are some reasons why:
1.  I believe God tells us in Malachi 3:10 to give a tithe (10th or 10%) to the "storehouse" and test whether or not He will bless us.  I have and He has!  My storehouse is the local church, the place I get "fed" so to speak.

2.  Jesus said "I will build my church" in Matthew 16:18.  I want in on what Jesus is doing!

3.  Trust-  I believe in my church, her vision, the people, the leadership, and God's ability  to use our church to fulfill His purposes

4.  Our church focused locally and globally-  we give away at least 10% to missions  beyond ourselves.

5.  Fun-  I enjoy watching God use my money to help people spiritually and physically!

6.  Helps me grow-  I trust God more when I give, and I appreciate the accountability to our church to ensure I am keeping up to date in my giving obedience to God.  That little "giving report" I receive at the end of the year reminds me of how well I am staying committed to this.

In conclusion, here are the steps I go through when starting to give:
1.  Give myself to God first!  Pray, read God's Word,  remember that He owns everything and I am simply His manager of the resources He gave me.

2.  Give to trustworthy causes-  do my homework

3.  Give voluntarily-  2 Corinthians 9:7 says to give as I have determined in my heart, and to give cheerfully!

4.  Start with what I already have- I need to plan my giving into my current budget, according to what I have right now

5.  Live for spiritual riches-  2 Corinthians 8:9 says Jesus became poor so that I might become rich!  Giving to meet people's needs physically and spiritually in Christ's name is the only investment with an eternal reward.

Give generously and be blessed!

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